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Tracking Concept



Regardless of how big or small your business may be, implementing a tracking concept is of utmost importance.

A tracking concept allows you to keep track of user activity within an app, for instance of commonly performed actions and overall user views.

It also includes other important metadata that you may want to monitor and that can help you target the right users, allocating your money wisely and effectively.


In order to build a consistent user flow across all user attribution sources, the tracking concept does not need to be too complex, but functional to the marketing targets.

The way events and meta data are tracked is also also a crucial step. 

At the beginning of mobile tracking, all events and metadata were tracked by the SDK implemented in the app. 

Nowadays event tracking that are SDK based is considered unreliable, because completely relying on the functionality of the SDK. If the SDK has a bug, your tracking on attribution platform is gone, and you need to riconciliate data with other analytics platforms.


The best way to go to track events is via your server, which will elaborate the data internally (e.g confirm purchase) and then send them to the attribution partner which will assign a source to them.

Also, S2S events require less implementation resources and are not undergoing to any bug. Just make sure your server does not crash.


Main points when it comes to define a Tracking Concept
  • Define events
  • Define metadata to be sent within every event
  • In case of S2S, make sure your internal system utilise the right triggers
  • Detect if previous App versions are passing old events, to avoid duplicates
  • Define revenue and currency correctly
  • QA Process





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